A Fairy Tale Adventure Adventure game by Steve Lucas Published in Computer Gamer, Jan 1986 For the Commodore VIC-20 (16K) Synopsis: The evil ogre has stolen three treasures from the peasants. You must find each object and return it to your ill mother, and then kill the ogre. Walkthrough: (Start in a small bedroom - mother is here ill in bed), W (small wardrobe), GET PAPER, READ PAPER (it reads - "Combination 10130127"), E, S (top of stairs), DOWN, S, S, S (garden gate), W (outside garden shed), IN (it's locked), UNLOCK SHED (it's a combination lock), 10130127 (the lock opens), IN, DROP PAPER, GET AXE (sharp), OUT. E, N, E (muddy field), GET COW, W, S, S (pavement), SEARCH DUST (you see a big fat mouse - if you try to get it you will find it is too fast to catch), S, E (town square), E, IN (market hall - an old farmer is here), GIVE COW (he gives you some red beans in exchange), GET BEANS, OUT, W, N, N (freshly tilled plot of land), PLANT BEANS (a giant beanstalk spurts into rapid growth), DROP AXE, CLIMB BEANSTALK, S, E, S (outside cottage), IN (an old man sits asleep in his chair - leave him), S (small kitchen), OPEN DOOR, S (overgrown footpath). S, E, N, E, E, E, S (by a deep moat - there is a drawbridge but it is up), PULL LEVER (the drawbridge is now down), S (onto the drawbridge), E (outside a castle), E (by a gatekeepers lodge), IN, GET KEY (golden), W, S (castle gate), UNLOCK GATE, DROP KEY, S (packed courtyard), S, S (enormous kitchen), HELP (I'd better hide somewhere), HIDE (where?), OVEN (you hear the ogre come in and say something about a goose), WAIT (he falls asleep), OUT, GET GOOSE (that lays golden eggs), N, N, N, N, W, W, N (drawbridge), N, W, W, W, S, W, N, N (small kitchen), N, OUT, N, W, N (top of beanstalk), DOWN, S, S, W, N, N, N (your doorway), N, N, UP, N (small bedroom), DROP GOOSE (mother thanks me and tells me to go back again). S, DOWN, S, S, S, S, S, E (town square), N, N, CLIMB BEANSTALK, S (wide road), W (lost in the dark forest), W, S, S, E, E, (outside a woodcutter's cottage), IN, GET OUTFIT (woodcutter's), WEAR OUTFIT, INVENTORY (now disguised as a woodcutter), OUT, W, N, N, E, E, S (outside cottage), IN, S, S, S, E, N, E, E, E, S (moat), S, E, E, S (castle gate), S, S, S (enormous kitchen), HIDE (where?), CUPBOARD, WAIT (the ogre comes in and sits in his chair - you hear snoring), OUT, GET MONEY (large bag), N, N, N, N, W, W, N (drawbridge), N, E (entrance to an enormous cavern), IN, N, E, E, N, N (small secret cavern), GET SWORD, S, S, W, W, S, S (back to entrance), W, W, W, W, S, W, N, N (small kitchen), N, OUT, N, W, N (top of beanstalk), DOWN, S, S, W, N (pavement - an evil witch blocks your way), KILL WITCH (with the sword), DROP SWORD, N, N (your doorway), N, N, UP, N (small bedroom), DROP MONEY ("Please go back again, " says mother). S, DOWN, S, E (lounge), GET CHEESE, W, S, S, S, S, E (town square), N, N, CLIMB BEANSTALK, S, E, S (outside cottage), IN, S, S, S, E, N, E, E, E, S (moat), S, E, E (gatekeeper's lodge), IN, N (you are by a small closet - an old lady is here), IN (she wants something first), GIVE CHEESE (she says "Okay help yourself"... you are in the closet), DROP CHEESE, REMOVE OUTFIT (woodcutter's), DROP OUTFIT, GET DRESS (lady's), WEAR DRESS, INVENTORY (you are now disguised as an old lady), OUT, S, W, S, E (by castle walls), GET WINE (glass), W, S, S, S (enormous kitchen), HIDE (where?), COPPER, WAIT (the ogre comes in with a harp and begins to play - after a few seconds he falls asleep), OUT, GET HARP (magic), N, N, N, N, W, W, N (moat), N, W, W, W, S, W, N, N (small kitchen), N, OUT, N, W, N (top of beanstalk), DOWN, S, S, W, N, N, N (your doorway), N, N, UP, N (small bedroom), DROP HARP (mother smiles and says "You'd better be quick!"). S, DOWN, W (kitchen), GET KNIFE, S, E, S, S, S, S (wide road), E, N, N, GET AXE, CLIMB BEANSTALK, S, E, S (outside cottage), IN, S, S, S, E, N, E, E, E, S (moat), S, E, E, S (castle gate), S, S, S (enormous kitchen - the ogre is here asleep and I presume when you leave you wake him and he follows), N, N, N, N, W, W, N, N, W, W, W, S, W, N, N, N, OUT, N, W, N (top of beanstalk), DOWN, CHOP BEANSTALK (using the axe - it falls to the ground and the ogre dies). Credits: This solution is taken from Dorothy Millard's walkthrough, posted at: